Saturday, January 10, 2009


Your a citizen, your UN-employed, sweating possible job lose, losing your home/residence, vehicle, prices are rising, crime is climbing, the economy has tanked, education speaks for itself - Press 1 (ONE) but Uncle Sam still wants you to pay up those carry, law breakers, loafers/Cling On's, if your feeling twilight sci-fi-ish?
Your gonna love this!

The Family Assistance Administration (FAA) promotes and supports the goal of DES/DHS to secure the safety, well-being, and self-sufficiency for families, adults, and children. Yup, service is suppose to be for citizens only with a valid social security card and not one of those stolen, falsified, or missing digits one either. When will this Bull cease? Now include Harry Reid saying "he will not have much of a fight with his newest Amnesty push!" Another yup, its back again in your face but with an added rumor/fact insult. Time will tell on this nice piece. It was also forwarded to members of the legislature who may conduct a congressional inquiry into the abuse. WAS THAT A MAYBE? If this document is legit we can't wait to see the fire works! In the meantime were going to share it with all law abiding USA citizens. If a law is being broken and your forced to SUFFER AND PAY, its your right to know. ITS YOUR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY TO QUESTION.

To further the background on this a bit more. The FAA provides Cash Assistance and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP/LINK) (formerly Food Stamps) to eligible participants, determines eligibility for Medical Assistance, and refers participants to other departmental and community partners for assistance.

The rumor has it that getting those free food items, etc., are not so difficult for the undocumented after all. As a matter of fact, rumor has it that the agency protecting this abuse has, as some would say, "abused the system themselves." Maybe its time for these employed individuals breaking the law and re-creating the free for all to get in that long UN-employment line, that is if this rumor turns into a FACT, if not we addressed rumor. Reid is not a possible rumor by the way.

Two items for you.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters that he "didn't expect much of a fight" if he introduced amnesty. You can start calling your Senators today! (Toll free number is 1 (866) 220-0044). Tell them: "No Amnesty for Illegals!" Tell them with record unemployment, deficits, and violence on the border, any amnesty is completely unacceptable. We need to turn up the heat now!
You can also provide a donation to Team America PAC (703) 255-9119

The fact/Rumor/?? hmmmm - gear up its quite an item to behold KFYI Radio.