Sunday, September 30, 2007


Giving up yourself, a piece at a time.

September 20, 2007

Caught in what appeared to be an unusual Police Check Point. Angry motorist's who were caught up, felt workers from the Institute for Research and Evaluation bullied them for their blood and saliva for their own private research study. Were not in favor of this type of activity, any more than we are of allowing oneself or even your child to be using fingerprint swipes, to buy food or products from either stores or schools.
This is the newest twist to the phrase piece meal.

Motorists in Colorado are expressing outrage over a weekend stunt in Gilpin County, about an hour's drive west of Denver, where highway checkpoints were set up so a private organization could ask for samples of blood and saliva.

"I don't think they're authorized to do what they're doing, and I view it as a gross violation of law-enforcement protocol," Roberto Sequeira, 51, told reporters for the Denver Post.

He said he and his wife were "detained" for about 15 minutes even after they protested they wanted to get home because of a sleepy child in their car.

Sheriff's officials were apologizing after they helped set up and run five separate checkpoints over the weekend.

They said workers for the Institute for Research and Evaluation were overly persistent in their demands of innocent travelers.

"It was like a telemarketer that you couldn't hang up on," Undersheriff John Bayne told the newspaper.

Story and photo WorldNetDaily