How the city went from the issue of disabled parking to the towing of Police squads might strike some odd but many know how the city responds, spins then lashes out. Glad to see FOP is alive and well by their showing of a vocal step up. Funny, Suntimes calls the investigation a handful, even the largest fist gives you virtually nothing for a handful or is that a fist full. Anyway, this action by the city sure seems afoul and petty. Tsk, tsk.
The actions followed a Sun-Times story that reported the department is investigating a handful of police employees for suspected misuse of disabled parking signs.
RELATED STORIES• Caught using disabled spaces • Handi-cop parking• Dead person parking
One unmarked police car was towed at 12:30 p.m. Thursday in the 100 block of West Washington and another at 12:48 p.m. Friday in the 1500 block of West Taylor, police spokeswoman Monique Bond said. Both were in "no parking anytime" zones.
Later Friday, First Deputy Supt. Dana Starks warned, "under no circumstances should department vehicles be parked on a fire hydrant or in a handicapped parking space." The drivers will have to pay the towing costs, he said.,CST-NWS-park24.article
'Caused a lot of concern'Tuesday, Fraternal Order of Police President Mark Donahue called the memo "inappropriate," adding: "It's an attempt to relieve the officers of discretion. It's caused a lot of concern among the membership.
"There are circumstances that are going to dictate -- especially in an emergency situation -- where you have no choice but to park the car where you can," Donahue said.