Wednesday, May 9, 2007


From a liberals perspective, Flagg is more than an irritation but we now need a bottle of aspirins. Time to hit the pillow with the head. OY VEY!

Black's lawyers went for blood as they cross-examined Flagg:
Flagg, who also has pleaded guilty to his role in the conspiracy, was quickly attacked by defense lawyers and accused of having no credibility. Instead of a potential life term, Flagg could serve just 10 years in prison or even less for helping the government, they pointed out.
Flagg admitted that he expects to get a deal even though he acknowledges taking part in armed robberies, home invasions, falsifying police reports and lying to judges and grand juries while he was with the department.
From the cross-examination of the defense lawyer representing yet another accused cop in the trial:
Flagg told Kling he was unable to give the number of times he lied to judges and grand juries. And Kling asked how many people could be "rotting in jail" on Flagg's word.
When the cross-examination moved to the topic of whether Flagg had been involved in a homicide, the Judge cut off the questioning.