Tuesday, February 13, 2007


On Feb. the 7th we discussed the Ware case and how the Offenders family was planning on laying a claim of the gun being planted in Wares vehicle. While at the same time portraying the offender (Ware) as just another innocent victim. Who was set up and killed by an officer just because the Officer had nothing better to do that day, other than planting a gun to defend his actions of self defense. As many of you know by now the city settled at $ 5.2 million with the Ware family. There are three police related links who have stepped forward and provided their opinions on this wrongful action. That is the awarding of large sums of cash based upon defense attorneys whirl-conned spins. The odds of defense playing the cash game of offender turned victim to a jury is the end results. A boat load of money a true treasure hunt in a win-win defense fame-game. The game plan is always when playing with the city apply the intended public distorted negative perception of Police, Hate miss-trust vs. Love-trust. Those sites for further read are at blogspot.com Second City Cop, Second City Sarge and Officer.com which can be linked below.

The major problem does not just lie in the cash settlement. Its the message announced subliminally of miss-trust, hate to the public via of the defense and the media. That message keeps coming back to. Officers are not trust worthy their not defenders their perpetrators, hate. The public has always had a love hate relationship with Police and the hate is the angle of odds which are continually played out and it does hurt and it affects all Officers the departments which they serve under and the end all balance of the public safety and well being.

There seems to be no balancing factors in this money game which amounts to, Officers living the public safety and Offenders dying. It seems more so today than in the past its become harder and harder to find people to come forward and stand with Officers by supporting their reputations of honor and duty, trust. The tables have turned and no service is being provided on a flipped table. In the end the public will continue to suffer and they will suffer at the hands of offenders. Who are out to do them harm with a vengeance and there is a payout, in the end.

The cash rewards are going to Offenders and their families at alarming rates with a dangerous price tag for all. Offenders and their families utilize their attorneys who apply the crafted game of today's offender tomorrows victim, while off-setting the delicate balance of justice and in the end. The public will be dictated to by lawbreakers because its just a Cash Cow a true Pot of Gold just waiting at the other end of the very tainted rainbow. Formerly known as Justice and as the public continues to fall for the marketing fleece of hate, always first miss-trust police, then turns to ask.

Why is crime on the increase, why can't I feel safe, where are the police?
Well, we will just trust in you to figure out those answers.